Using the  JOBS  option
      The job listings
    Clicking on the "Jobs" link will bring up the Job Listings window, similar to the one below.

    All institutions and their posted jobs can be listed here. You can presort the list by clicking on the sorting options at the top of the page.

    1. Clicking on a letter in the horizontal alphabet listing directly under the Job Listings header will create a list of only those institutions whose name begins with that letter. Clicking on All (after "Z") will list all institutions, in alphabetic order. Clicking on Marked will list those jobs that you have marked (see #6 below for information on this action), and selecting Applied will list only those jobs that you have applied for.
    2. Clicking on the name of the department will bring up that department's job listing page. The positions will be listed on the department's job listing the same as they are here on the Job Listings page, below the department name.
    3. The individual jobs are listed below the department name. The Apply link at the far right of each job listing will allow you to apply directly for the position. If your AMS cover sheet has not been filled out or is not complete, you will be prompted to fulfill that requirement first when you click on this link.

      If you have already applied for this position, this link will say Applied. If you click on the Applied link, you will get a form that gives you the opportunity to complete any unfinished items on your cover sheet and select or de-select references and other material you had specified.

      You can also withdraw your application here, by clicking on the Withdraw button at the bottom of the form. If you withdraw within two days of making the application, your application will be removed completely from Mathjobs. If you withdraw after the two-day period, your application will be marked as Withdrawn but will not disappear.

    4. In brackets is the job acronym label link for each position (e.g., TT1, RAP). Clicking here brings up a page which lists the description and requirements of the position, as well as allowing you to apply to that position, to "mark" it (see #6 below for more information on this action), and to submit required portfolio items. A window similar to the one below will come up:

    5. Next to Position Description: is a link to Apply to this position. This link will perform the same action as the Apply link documented in item #3 above. If your AMS cover sheet has not been filled out or is not complete, you will be prompted to fulfill that requirement first when you click on this link.

      If you have already applied for this position, this link will say Applied. If you click on the Applied link, you will get a form that gives you the opportunity to complete any unfinished items on your cover sheet and select or de-select references and other material you had specified.

      You can also withdraw your application here, by clicking on the Withdraw button at the bottom of the form. If you withdraw within two days of making the application, your application will be removed completely from Mathjobs. If you withdraw after the two-day period, your application will be marked as Withdrawn but will not disappear.

    6. To the far right of Position Description: is a link labeled Mark. Clicking here will place this position on your "marked list". This is a good way to keep track of positions that interest you. Once you have clicked on this link, it will mark this position (i.e., enable you to view it as a marked position, as in #1 above), and this link will be labeled Marked. You can unmark this position at any time by clicking the link again. You can then view your marked list of positions of interest by clicking on marked at the top of the job listings screen.
    7. In the section Application Material Required, you will see a list of the application materials required to be submitted, headed by Submit the following item(s) online at this web site. Clicking on the Submit link will bring up the application form which will allow you to submit required materials from your portfolio items. If your AMS cover sheet has not been filled out or is not complete, you will be prompted to fulfill that requirement first.
    8. In the last section on this page, you can create and save a private note about this job. This will be a private note to yourself only; no one else will be able to see it. You will see it when you click on this position the next time and view this page.

      Submitting your application
    If you click on the Apply or the Applied button (detailed in #3 and #5 in the section above), a screen similar to the one below will appear.

    On this screen, you will answer any additional questions specific to this employer and choose which of your reference writers you wish to use for this employer. You will also select the specific documents from your portfolio that you wish to include in this application. The application materials required have been determined by the employer.

    If an employer is gather EOE information through MathJobs, those questions will be toward the bottom of this screen, as shown below.

    Be sure to click the Apply button at the bottom of the screen to submit your application.

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